Think I should re name this blog 'What Kitschy Swapped Next'!! A couple more swaps to add....
Another dotee doll, Autumn Leaves Dottee swap
For this swap you will make one dotee inspired by Autumn leaves.
- One (1) dotee for one (1) partner
- Has to be 4' -6" before hanger and tail.
- Must have hanger and tail.
*This dotee can be inspired by the colors of changing leaves, can be
the shape of a leaf or can be leaf print, but must represent Fall.
And a Facebook Halloween Plushie group swap! I loved doing this one, I
made a smaller version (another swap) which I've only got a really bad
pic of as I didn't have any spare camera batteries, this one is twice
the size, I'm dead impressed with it even if I do say so myself!! He's
going in the post today, his new owner lives in the UK for a change so
I'm hoping she'll get it tomorrow.

Think I missed at least two 'nail pics' so here is the latest.
The last ones had flames, I so loved them and wished I'd got a pic! Would really like some skulls doing next week ready for Halloween but don't imagine they'd be too easy to free hand!! Maybe I'll get flames again hmmmm.
D#1, and I (with some friends) went to see Katy Perry last week!! Not the best picture but you get the idea.
I found this on YouTube, maybe not for the prudes amongst us but I love it hehehe!!!!
I'll leave you with that x