Saturday 17 November 2007


It's official I'm a crap blogger - it's not that I've forgotten I'm just not very good at making my life sound more interesting than it really is!

D#1 lost her first tooth yesterday, it's been hanging on since Halloween and fell out at school yesterday. Under the pillow it went last night along with umpteen pictures for the tooth fairy, she was most surprised this am to find she'd actually been and left her a 'gold coin' aka a quid (is that the going rate these days?) along with a letter and fairy dust - the less said about flipping fairy dust the better!!

My new addiction has got to be facebook, when I first joined a few weeks ago I did some random searches (as you do) looking for people I might know, my surname if fairly unusual so typed that in and came up with some interesting results and now found some new relatives! Thought I'd share this photo

The little boy at the front (left) is my grandad (who I never knew) and his sister on the right, the man at the very back left is their dad and the lady next to him is their mum, the picture must have been taken around 1904 she died 3 years later at the age of 26 I found out he went on to marry again and had another daughter in 1909 but died in 1913 at the age of 34. It makes me feels so very sad at the loss of such young life. The lady at the back 3rd from left (my great granny's sister) brought up my grandad. I love this photo and feel such privilege to have it.

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