They do seem like good ideas at the time of bringing 'the letter' home from school until that is two days before when you realise you've forgotten all about it! Mad scramble to the shops visualizing little red riding hood or something cute and girlie (avoiding any princess cause you know they'll be at least half a dozen of those already in a class of 16) finding the only little red riding hood looks like some nasty cheesy little number that would look more at home in an adult size in one of 'those' films. I did consider making something but I'd still have to go and buy some material from somewhere!
Anyway Asda to the rescue in the name of.......

Scccccooooby Dooooby Dooooo!!!
Apologies for the blurry shot it was 8am I'm not very good at focusing my own eyes at that time let alone get to grips with my fairly new camera and very wriggly daughter!!
And she really does love Scooby - the theme of her birthday last year and she has a Scooby book - everyone's a winner!!
I'll share the Wacky Hair Day pic too while I'll here cause I was most pleased with my effort and home made bows!

I really should have tried harder with getting my parting straight though don't you think?!
Fab hair! Surely you didn't do that before 8 am??!
Haha no - she was in afternoon nursery then!!
Hi there, can you please tell me how you did this incredible hair do! Did you use pipe cleaners?? If so, how did you manage to hide them so that they can't be seen? Appreciate your help! Thanks heaps!!
How bizarre that 2 1/2 years after I posted this I get this comment when indeed it's Wacky Hair Day again tomorrow!!! Spppooookkyyy hey?!!
Basically it's just gardening wire plaited in but being very careful not to leave any sticking out.
Maybe I should do a tutorial?!!
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