Saturday 12 January 2008

Oh So Quiet

D#1 has gone to stay with my brother and his girlfriend for the weekend they have taken her to see her very first panto at The Brindley they are probably doing the whole 'he's behind you' thing as I type!

Very strange coincidence I received a random message on facebook earlier this week from a friend I went to primary school with, she works at The Brindley I hope my bro tracks her down tonight and says hello.

I always used to be crap scared of pantos and shows when I was a kid in case some mad fella dressed as a woman entered the audience and came near me or even worse tried to make me do something embarrassing, it never happen.....well not while I was a kid anyway. I took my little sister to see Bodger and Badger *cringe* a few years ago (on my birthday!!) I got mauled by a flipping mash potato munching puppet! For those of you who are fortunate enough not to know who I'm on about....

Now you too can share my embarrassment!!

I've very nervously joined my very first blog swap! I was umming and ahhhing a bit but then thought what the hell, maybe it will jump start me crafting again, getting quite excited now. The swap is to include something handmade (oooow errrr), something chocolatey and some craft supplies the last two I can do but my little brain is going ten to the dozen for the first bit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are probably sleeping soundly but on this side of the pond, it is early evening and I am your swap partner. Be talking with you soon.