Friday 8 February 2008

Separated at Birth

Separated at birth #1

D#1 has this really annoying habit of asking what the time is, then asking again two minutes later....then again 6 minutes later....then again 3 minutes get the picture, after a while it wears a bit thin so I started saying 'Hammer Time' *blush* now if she asks me and I tell her the real time she actually wants me to say 'Hammer Time'!! so last night after she'd had a bath and was putting her PJ's on we went through the usual routine and she asks 'Mummy what is Hammer Time?' a quick search on You Tube

We're both bopping away like a pair of idiots while The Story Makers is on the telly in the background and it just so happens tonight it's Webster Wordsworth who is on....didn't you always wonder what happened to M.C. Hammer?????

Separated at birth #2

Put D#1 to bed and read her a story - School Time for Sammy

The best picture I could find but don't you think Sammy looks a little familiar?????

Obviously I have a very dull life ;o)

I really really really did love Chic-a-Boo though!!!! (Still got mine somewhere!)


Locket Pocket said...

Quite mad!!!! Looks like you had lots of fun though! Lucy x

brian said...
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